Sunday, 28 February 2016

Now you're all very confused.

I've caught a cold again. Usually I think of myself as a person who doesn't get sick easily, but I'm about to change my mind about that.

Somehow I managed to fail my latest two exams by only two and four points. The re-exams are being held during the first weeks of March. Lovely time to get sick.
I didn't see anything interesting today. At least I've achieved something great that will baffle people for generations.

EDIT: But not as confused as I am. Apparently, Blogger doesn't understand the concept of a leap year. And I who wanted to have a post on Febuary 29:th...

Thursday, 25 February 2016

A sudden flatline.

I shall excel!

Here is my very own recipe for vegetarian curry:


Teflon frying pan with lid
Cutting board
Big spoon


2 big garlic cloves
2 carrots, medium size
1 bulb onion (yellow onion)
2 shallots
2 dl / 1 cup (US) red lentils
1 apple (preferably Aroma, but any apple is good)
2 dl / 1 cup (US) Crème fraîche (or plant-based equivalent of such)
Some cooking oil


Yellow curry
Black pepper
1 bouillon cube for vegetables (or any equivalent of such)

How to:

Cut garlic, carrots and all the onions. Pour cooking oil in a teflon pan and fry a lot of curry. Add the cut up vegetables and fry them in the curry, until they are soft.
Add 1 liter / 4,25 cups (US) water and ½ teaspoon of salt. Add the lentils, put the lid on and let the food boil for 10 minutes.
Cut up and add the apple, then add as much spices as you like. Boil for another five minutes.
Add the Crème fraîche and let the food start boiling again. Taste the food and add more spices if you like.

Serve with boiled rice and a salad.

I use many apostrophies!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Perverted Croquis.

The best thing about this painting - besides the obvious - is that it's real art.


In Microsoft Paint.

This is the second version.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Oh, Narkissos.

I made myself popcorn and coco, ready to have a cozy night. Thirty minutes later I find myself re-reading my own old blog posts.


I was reading the back of the milk carton. There was a recepy for hot cocoa there. At the end it said that, if you don't have a spoon to stir with, you can stir with a candy cane. Not "To give a hint of mint", or anything - if you don't have a spoon. What bewildering elf-land is Ica secretly selling its milk to, where people would sooner have a candy cane than a spoon?